[this means I was not perhaps as attentive as I should have been - can't read all of my scribbles]
This chapel smells like a catholic church. It didn’t last week.
An hum de run
An hum de run
An hun
They are almost singing the word
they are almost chanting the word
they chant their song on the word
a mumble of speech on the word
[it is Pentecost, it is an almost singing]
Horseback now it has been deconsecrated although situation there are many don’t come financially corrugated iron overlooking the valley clean and fresh bright light keep chapel Sunday school celebrations we found to you trees marriage certificates pools of daisies the problem of capel also the service every Sunday throughout later this chapel sun he opened up for us the chapel itself inside the health and safety bars more best acoustics builders meant to have finished hadn’t thick dust spray polish silence shuffling whispering there was a murmur some intrigue he was waiting thinking fresh flowers the chapel inside very impressive of whom he is the carpet complain it used to be three hundred by the first time the cleaners arrived so much dust sound is wonderful vibrations rudely interrupted.
The insistent heart beat and the preacher punching the air
Great to pedal
Swell to pedal
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